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Now twelve images are done, and that leaves only two to go! Here are three new images along with two updates.

This first one was inspired by the 2014 Black Rock City Census, which mentions that 71.8% of burners do not identify with an organized religion. So I had to include this image. (I have an expectation which way the votes will go.)


However, I expect that burners will respect the religious choices of others, and so the votes of the next one should go the other way. I plan to put it next to the image above to help make that point.


Below is a curious table. I expect that participants will look at the column that corresponds to their own age. From the 2014 BRC Census, most burners (43%) are in the 25–34 age range. The top cause of death in that age range (in the U.S.) is Accidental Poisoning.


Here are the two images that I updated. The heading of this chart was reworded to better match the Y-axis label.


I think that the drone image needed a statement. I added a recently published forecast.


With all of this image rumination, not much construction progress has been made, but I’m happy that I have most of the images designed.