Original Library

(This is an archive of the library that was lost in the CZU Lightning Complex fire on August 19, 2020. Go to the Current Library.)

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Searching for "Philippe"
Results: 3
Links: = show nearby books on the shelf, L = go to Library of Congress, W = go to WorldCat, O = go to Open Library.

   Call Number   Title   Author(s)   
NX 510 .N32 B63443 Black Rock City, NV: The New Ephemeral Architecture of Burning Man Philippe Glade  L W O 
QA 76.5915 .V38 Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP Jean-Philippe Vasseur, Adam Dunkels    W   
QA 76.9 .A25 A96 Serious Cryptography Jean-Philippe Aumasson  L W O 

3 results

Key:  Current Library Has a Replacement